Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dalail- I- Hayrat Eight Hizb with English Translation By S.Ahmad Darwish .




Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Suleiman ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali

(2nd Monday begins here)

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
ninnabiyyiz zahidi rasulil malikis
samadil wahidi sallallahu alayhi
wassallama salatan da‘imatan ila
muntahal abadi bilan qita‘in wala
nafadin salatan tunjina bihamin harri
jahannama wa bi’sal mihadu.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammidin- ninnabiyyil ummiyyi wa
ala alihi wa sallim. Salatan la yuhsa lahu
adadun wa la yu‘addu laha madadun.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
salatan tukrimu biha maswahu. Wa
tuballigu biha yawmal qiyamati minash
shafa‘ati rizahu.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
ninnabiyyil ummiyyil asilis sayyidin
nabilillazi ja‘a bilwahyi wattanzili wa
awdaha bayanat ta’wili waja‘ahul aminu
jibrilu alayhi salamu bil karamati
wattafdili wa asra bihil malikul jalilu fil
laylil bahimitawili fakasha falahu an
a’lal malakuti wa arahu sana‘al jabaruti.
Wa nazara’ila qudratil hayyid da‘imil
baqillazi la yamutu. Sallallahu alayhi wa
sallama salatan maqrunatan biljamali
wal husni wal kamali wal khayri wal


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the ascetic
prophet, the messenger of the only
Eternal King, may the blessings and
peace of Allah be upon him, blessings
that are eternal, and reach the farthest
limit of eternity, with neither break nor
depletion, blessings that save us from the
heat of the fires of Hell; an evil resting
place. O Allah, praise and grant peace to
Muhammad, the unlettered prophet, and
his family, blessings that are
uncountable and blessings whose supply
is not impeded. O Allah, praise
Muhammad with blessings that ennoble
his abode and blessings that on the Day
of Judgment procure his pleasure
through his intercession.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the prophet
of noble origin, the Highbred master,
who came with the prophetic quotations
and Revelation, and who clarified the
meaning of interpretation, and to whom
came the faithful one, our master
Gabriel, peace be upon him, with honor
and dignity and who journeyed with him
to the King, the Glorious One, on the
long dark night and revealed to him the
heights of kingdoms of heaven, and
showed him the supremacy of the
Omnipotence of the heavens, and who
saw the Power of the Living, the Eternal,
the Abiding, the One who never dies.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him, blessings permeated with
beauty, charm, perfection, goodness and


In Arabic

Alalhumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adadal aqtari.
Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada waraqil ashjari. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada zabadil bihari. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada ramlis sahara wal
qifari. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin adada siqlil jibali wal
Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada ahlil jannati wa
ahlin nari. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adadal abrari wat
tujjari. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin adada ma yakhtalifu
bihil laylu wan naharu. Waj‘alillahumma
salatana alayhi hijaban min azabinnari.
Wa sababan li ibahati daril qarari.
Innaka antal azizul gaffaru.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as many times as
there are drops of rain. And, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, as many times as there are
leaves on the trees. And, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad in as much abundance as
there is foam upon the sea. And, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, as many times as there are
grains of sand in the desert and in the
wilderness. And, praise Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad as many times
as much as the weight of all the
mountains and all the rocks combined.
And, praise Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad, as many times as there
are dwellers of the Garden and dwellers
of the Fire. And, praise Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad as many times
as there are those who are righteous and
many times as there are those who are
corrupt. And, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as many times as
the night has alternated with the day.
And make, O Allah, our asking for
blessings upon him a shield which gives
us protection from the punishment of the
Fire and a means of us gaining
permission to enter the Abode of
Permanence, for You are the Mighty, the


In Arabic

Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala alihit tayyibina.
Wa zurriyatihil mubarakina wa
sahabatihil akramika wa azwajihi
ummahatil mu’minina salatan
mawsulatan tataraddadu ila yawmiddini.
Alalhumma salli ala sayyidil abrari wa
zaynil mursalinal akhyari wa akrami
man azlama alayhil laylu wa ashraqa
Allahumma ya zalmannillazi la
yukafamtinanuhu. Wat tawlillazi la yujaza
in‘amuhu wa ihsa’nuhu. Nas‘aluka
bika wa la nas’aluka bi ahadin gayrika.
An tutliqa alsinatana indas su‘ali. Wa
tuwaffiqana li salihil a’mali. Wa
taj‘alana minal aminina yawmar rajfi
waz zalazili ya zal izzati wal jalali.
As‘aluka ya nurannuri qablal azminati
wadduhuri. Antal baqi bila zawali nil
ganiyyu bila misali nil quddusut tahirul
aliyyul qahirullazi la yuhitu bihi
makanun wala yashtamilu alayhi
As‘aluka bi asma‘ikal husna kulli ha wa
bi a’zami asma‘ika ilayka wa ashrafiha
indaka manzilatan wa ajzaliha indaka
sawaban. Wa asra‘iha minka ijabatan wa
bismikal makhzunil maknunil jalilil
ajallil kabiril akbaril azimil a’zamillazi
tuhibbuhu wa tarda amman da‘aka bihi.
Wa tastajibu lahu dua‘ahu.


In English

May the blessings and peace of Allah be
upon Muhammad and upon his virtuous
family, his blessed descendants, his
honored companions and his wives who
are the Mothers of the Believers.
Blessings that are continual and frequent
until the Day of Judgment. O Allah,
praise the master of the righteous, the
adornment of the messengers, the
choicest and noblest ever to have been
cloaked in the darkness of the night, or
bathed in the light of the day.
O Allah, O Master of Favor, whose
Strength and Might are unequalled, and
whose Favor and Virtue are beyond
compare, we ask You and nobody else
but You, to loosen our tongues in
beseeching You, and grant us success in
doing good deeds, and let us be among
the trustworthy on the Day of
Convulsions and Earthquakes, O Creator
of Might and Glory. I ask You, O Light
of the Light, for that which was before
time and eternity. You are the Abiding
with no end, the Rich with no equal, the
Holy, the Pure, the High, the Powerful,
the One who is neither encompassed by
space nor contained by time.
I ask You in all of Your most beautiful
Names and in the greatest of Your
Names, and for the sake of the rank most
noble to You, and for the sake of the
most plentiful reward with You, and for
the sake of the promptest response from
You, and in Your protected and hidden
Name, the Most Exalted of the Exalted,
the Greatest of the Great, the Most
Magnificent of the Magnificent, the One
who responds to and satisfies whosoever
calls upon You in them and whose
prayer is accepted.



In Arabic

As’alukallahumma bila ilaha illa antal
hannanul mannanu badi‘ussamawati wal
ardi zuljilali wal ikrami. Alimul gaybi
wash shahadatil kabirul muta’ali. Wa
as‘aluka bismikal azimil a’zamillazi iza
du‘ita bihi ajabta wa iza su‘ilta bihi
Wa as‘aluka bismikallazi yazillu li
azamatihil uzama‘u wal muluku.
Wassiba‘u wal hawammu wa kullu
shay’in khalaqtahu ya Allahu yarabbiastajib
da’wati ya man lahul izzatu wal
jabarutu ya zalmulki wal malakuti
yaman huwa hayyun layamutu.
Subhanaka rabbi ma azama shanaka wa
arfa‘a makanaka anta rabbi ya
mutaqaddisa fi jabarutihi ilayka argabu
wa iyyaka arhabu. Ya azimu ya kabiru
yajabbaru yaqadiru yaqawiyyu tabarakta
ya azimu ta‘alayta ya alimu subhanaka
ya azimu subhanaka ya jalilu.
As’aluka bismikal azimit tammil kabiri
an la tusallita alayna jabbaran anidan.
Wala shaytanan maridan wala insanan
hasudan wala za‘ifan min khalqika wala
shadidan wala barran wala fajiran wala
abidan wala anidan.


In English

I ask You, O Allah, and there is no god
except You, the Merciful, the Most
Merciful, the Creator of the heavens and
the earth, Master of Glory and Honor,
Knower of the unseen and the seen, the
Great, the Exalted. I ask You in Your
Greatest Name in which when we pray,
our prayer is granted, and in which when
we make a request, our request is
And I ask You in the Name that humbles
with its Might the Mighty ones, the
kings, the lions, the reptiles and
everything You have created. O Allah, O
Lord, accept my prayer. O You to whom
is the Majesty and Omnipotence, O
Master of Sovereignty and Kingdoms,
You who are the Living who never dies,
glory be to You, Lord. What is greater
than Your Rank, Higher than Your
Position? You are my Lord. O Holy One
in His Omnipotence, I beseech You and
I fear You. O Great, O Majestic, O
Powerful. O Almighty, O Strong, You
have blessed Yourself, O Great One,
You have exalted Yourself, O Knowing
One, Glory be to You, O Great One,
Glory be to You, O Splendid One.
I ask You in Your Great, Perfect and
Majestic Name, not to give dominion
over me to the tyrant, the stubborn, the
rebellious Satan, the envious, the weak
among Your creation, the oppressor, the
ruinous, the corrupter, the idolater, or the


In Arabic

Allahumma inni as‘aluka fa inni
ushhi’du annaka antallahullazi la ilaha
illa antal wahidul ahadus samadullazi
lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam yakun
lahu kufwan ahadun. Ya huwa ya man la
huwa illa huwa ya man la ilaha illa huwa
ya azaliyyu ya abadiyyu ya dahriyyu ya
daymumiyyu ya manhuwal hayyullazi la
yamutu ya ilahana wa ilaha kulli shay‘in
ilahan wahidan la ilaha illa anta.
Allahumma fatirassamawati wal ardi
alimal gaybi wash shahadatir rahmanar
rahimal hayyal qayumad dayyanal
hannanal mannanal ba‘isal warisa zal
jalali wal ikrami. Qulubul khaliki bi
yadika nawasihim ilayka fa anta tazra‘ul
khayra fi qulubihim wa tamhush sharra
iza shi’ta minhum.
Fa as‘alukallahumma an tamhu wa min
qalbi qulli shay’in takrahuhu. Wa an
tahshuwa qalbi min khashyatika
wama’rifatika wa rahbatika warragbata
fima indaka wal amna wal afiyata wa’tif
alayna bir rahmati walbarakati minka.
Wa alhimnassawaba wal hikmahta
fanas‘alukallahumma ilmal kha‘ifina wa
inabatal mukhbitina wa
ikhlasalmuqinina. Wa shukrassabirina
wa tawbatas siddiqina.


In English

O Allah, I ask You and I bear witness
that You are Allah, and there is no god
except You, the One, the Only, the
Eternal, the One who neither begets nor
was begotten, and there is nothing like
Him, O He, O the One who there is no
other except He, O the One who there is
no god except He, O my Infinity, O my
Eternity, O my Destiny, O my
Everlasting. O the One who is the Living
who does not die. O our God and God of
everything, God alone, there is no god
except You.
O Allah, Creator of the heavens and the
earth, Knower of the unseen and the
seen, the Merciful, the Most Merciful,
the Living, the Everlasting, the Judge,
the Benefactor, the Munificent, the
Reviver, the Inheritor, the Master of
Glory and Honor. The hearts of all
creatures are between Your hands, we
entrust them to You, for You cause
goodness to grow in their hearts and You
erase the evil from them, as You will.
So I ask You, O Allah, that You erase
from my heart everything that You hate
and fill my heart with fear of You,
knowledge of You, awe of You, longing
for what is with You, and security and
well-being, and have pity on us with
mercy and blessings from You, and
inspire in us that which is proper and
wise. And I ask You, O Allah, for the
knowledge of those who fear, the
repentance of the humble, the sincerity
of those who are certain, the gratitude of
the patient, and the penitence of the


In Arabic

Wa nas’alukallahumma binuri
wajhikallazi mala arkana arshika an
tazra‘a fi qalbi ma’rifataka hatta a’rifaka
hakka ma’rifataka kama yanbagi an
turafa bihi. Wa sallallahu ala sayyidin
Muhammadin khatamin nabiyyina wa
imamil mursalina wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
wa sallama tasliman walhamdu lillahi
rabbil alamin.


Alalhummashrah bissalati alayhi
sudurana. Wa yassir biha umurana. Wa
farrijbiha humumana. Wakshif biha
gumumana. wagfir biha zunubana.
Waqdi biha duyunana. Wa aslih biha
ahwalana. Wa ballig biha amalana. Wa
taqabbal biha tawbatana. Wagsil biha
hawbatana. Wansur biha hujjatana. Wa
tahhir biha al sinatana. Wa anis biha
wahshatana. W’arham biha gurbatana.
W’aj‘alha nuran bayna aydina wa min
khalfina wa an aymanina wa an
shama‘ilina. Wa min fawqina wa min
tahtiha. Wa fil hayatina wa mawtina wa
fil quburina wa hashrina wa nashrina.


In English

And we ask You, O Allah, by the light
of Your Face, which fills every corner of
Your Throne, that You cause the
knowledge of You to grow in my heart
until I know You. Your true Knowledge,
in a way that You should be known, and
the praise and venerations and abundant
peace of Allah be upon Muhammad, the
seal of the prophets and leader of the
messengers, and upon his family and
companions, and praise be to Allah, the
Lord of the Worlds.
In the of Allah, All-Merciful. The Mercy
O Allah, through our asking for
blessings upon him expand our hearts.
And thereby ease our affairs. And dispel
our anxieties. And remove our sorrows.
And thereby forgive our sins. And
relieve our debts. And improve our
states. And thereby fulfill our hopes. And
accept our repentance. And cleanse our
misdeeds. And thereby help our pleas.
And purify our tongues. And end our
loneliness. And thereby relieve our
separation. And make it a light in front
of us and behind us. To our right. And to
our left. And above us and beneath us.
And in our lives and in our deaths.


In Arabic

Wa zillan yawmal qiyamati ala ru‘usina.
Wa sakkil biha yarabbi mawazina
hasanatina. Wa adim barakatiha alayna
hatta nalqa nabiyyina wa sayyidin
Muhammadan sallallahu alayhi wa
sallama. Wa nahnu aminuna
mutma‘innuna farihuna mustabshiruna.
Wa la tufarriq baynana wa baynahu hatta
tudhilana madhalahu wa ta’wiyana ila
jiwarihil karimi ma‘allazina an‘amta
alayhim minannabiyyina wassiddiqina
wash shhuhada‘i wassalihina wa hasuna
ula‘ika rafiqan.
Allahumma inna amanna bihi sallallahu
alayhi wa sallama wa lam narahu.
Famatti’nallahum ma fiddaraini
biru’yatihi. Wa sabbit qulubana ala
mahabbatihi. Wasta’milna ala sunnatihi.
Wa tawaffana ala millatihi. W’ahshurna
fi zumratihin najiyati wa hizbihil
muflihina. W’anfa’na biman tawat
alayhi qulubuna min mahabbatihi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallama yawma la
jada wa la mala wa la banina. Wa
awridna hawzahul asfa. Wasqina bika’
sihil awfa. Wa yassir alayna ziyarata
haramika wa haramihi min qabli an
tumitana. Wa adim alaynal iqamata
biharamika wa haramihi sallallahu alayhi
wassallama ila an natawaffa.


In English

And in our graves and in our gathering
and in our resurrection and shade for us
on the Day Judgment over our heads.
And weigh down the scales thereby with
good actions. And repeat its blessing on
us until we meet with our Prophet
Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace
be upon him and his family, and we are
believing, we are certain, we are
overjoyed and we are the receivers of
good news. And do not separate us from
him until You make us enter through his
entrance hall and accommodate us in his
noble neighbor  had with those You have
favored among the Prophets, the
Truthful Ones, the Martyrs and the
Righteous Ones, and what a fine
company they are.
O Allah, we have believed in him, the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him, without seeing him, so make us
enjoy, O Allah, a vision of him in the
two realms and keep our hearts always
in love with him. And establish us upon
his way. And cause us to die following
his religion. And resurrect us in his
secure company and party of success.
And avail us of that love of him, the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him, which is locked away in our hearts
on the day when there will be no
ancestors, no wealth and no sons (that is,
to speak up for us). And have us drink at
his Purest pool. To drink from his Fullest
Chalice. And facilitate for us a visit to
Your Sacred Place (Mecca) and his
Sacred Place (Medina) before You cause
us to die. And make our stay at Your
Sacred Place and His Sacred Place the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him, last until we pass away.


In Arabic

Allahumma inna nastashfi‘u bihi ilayka
iz huwa awjahush shufa’i ilayka. Wa
nuqsimu bihi alayka iz huwa a’zamu
man uksima bi hakkihi alayka. Wa
natawassalu bihi ilayka iz huwa aqrabul
wasa’ili ilayka. Nashku ilayka yarabbi
qaswata qulubina. Wa qasrata zunubina
wa tula amalina. Wa fasada amalina. Wa
takasulana anitta‘ati wa hujumana alal
mukhalafati. Fani’mal mushtaka ilayhi
anta yarabbi bika nastansiru ala a’da‘ina
wa anfusina fansurna wa ala fazlika
natawakkalu fi salahina. Fala taqilna ila
gayrika ya rabbana. Wa ila janabi
rasulika sallallahu alayhi wa sallama
nantasibu fala tuba‘idna. Wa bibabika
naqifufala tatrudna. Wa iyyaka nas‘alu
fala tukhayyibna.
Allahummarham tazarru‘ana. Wa amin
khawfana. Wa taqabbal amalana. Wa
aslih ahwalana waj‘al
bita‘atikashtifalana. Wa ilal khayri
ma‘alana. Wa hakkiq biziyadati
amalana. W’akhtim bisshahadati ajalana.
Haza zulluna zahirun bayna yadayka.
Wa haluna la yahfa alayka. Amartana
fataraqna. Wa nahaytana fartaqabna. Wa
la yasa‘una illa afwuka. Fa’fu anna ya
khayra mamulin wa akrama mas‘ulin.
Innaka afuwwun ra’ufun rahimun. Ya
arhamar rahimina. Wa sallallahu ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi wa sallama tasliman.
Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamina.
Wa huwa hasbuna wa ni’mel wekilu. Wa
la hawla wa la kuwwata illa billahil
aliyyil – azim.


In English

O Allah, we seek his intercession with You,
for his is the most lauded intercession with
You. And we entreat You through him for
he is the greatest one to entreat You. We
seek access to You through him for his is the
closest access to You. We complain to You,
O Lord, about the hardness of our hearts.
And the abundance of our sins. And extent
of our hopes. And the imperfection of our
actions. And our laziness to do good deeds.
And our haste to commit bad deeds. Bestow
upon this plaintiff, You, O Lord, victory
over our enemies. And help our souls. And
through Your Grace make us rely solely on
our good acts and not upon anything else, O
our Lord. O Allah, we associate ourselves
with the honor of Your messenger, the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him,
so do not distance us. And we stop at Your
Door so do not turn us away. And we ask
You alone so do not disappoint us.
O Allah, have mercy upon our imploring
and allay our fear. Accept our actions and
make us righteous. Make obedience to You
our main occupation. And make us use our
wealth only for good. And fulfill our hopes
and more. And seal our final destinations
with happiness. Thus is our lowliness made
clear before You and our condition is not
hidden from You. You have commanded us
and we have been heedless. You have
forbidden us and we have transgressed.
Nothing is wider than Your Clemency. So
pardon us, O Best Fulfiller of Hopes. And
Most Generous Requestee. For You are the
Pardoner, the Forgiver, the Merciful, O
Most Merciful of the Merciful And the
blessings and abundant peace of Allah be
upon our master Muhammad and upon his
family and Companions and praise be to
Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
And He suffices me and He is the best
Protector. And there is no help or power
except with Allah, the High, the Mighty.



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