Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dalial–I–Hayrat With English Translation By S.Ahmad Darwish Seventh Hizb



Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Suleiman ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali


Seventh Hizb

(Sunday starts here)

Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
man sabahaka wa qaddasaga wa
sajadalaka wa azzamaka min yawma
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil qiyamati fi
qulli yawmin alfa marratin. Wa an
tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada kulli
sanatin khalaqtahum fiha min yawmin
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil qiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin. Wa an
tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adadas
sahabil jariyati.
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi
adadar riyahiz zariyati min yawmi
khalaqta dunya ila yawmil qiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin. Wa an
tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada ma
habbatir riyahu alayhi wa harrakatu
minal agsani wal ashjari wa awraqis
simari wal azari wa adada ma khalaqta
ala qarari ardika wa ma bayna
samawatika min yawmi khalaqtad dunya
ila yawmil qiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
amwaji biharika min yawmi khalaqtad
dunya ila yawmil qiyamati fi kulli
yawmin alfa marratin. Wa an tusalliya
alayhi wa ala alihi adadar ramli wal hasa
wa qulli hajarin wa madarin khalaqtahu
fi mashariqil ardi wa magaribiha sabliha
wa jibaliha wa awdiyatiha min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil qiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin.


In English

And praise him and his family as the
number of Your exalters, Your
worshippers, Your prostrated
worshippers and Your magnifiers, from
the day You created this world until the
Day of Resurrection, every day a
thousand times. And praise him and his
family as many times as the years in
which You created them from the day
You created this world until the Day of
Resurrection, every day a thousand
times. And praise him and his family in
every sweeping cloud
And praise him and his family in every
gust of wind from the day You created
this world until the Day of Resurrection,
every day a thousand times. And praise
him and his family in the movement of
every branch, every tree, every leaf,
every fruit and every flower stirred by
the wind, and in every wind-stirred
movement of all that is created on the
earth and within Your heavens from the
day You created this world until the Day
of Resurrection, every day a thousand
O Allah, praise Muhammad in every
wave on Your Seas from the day You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. And praise him and his family in
every grain of sand, in every stone, in
every rock and in every cloud You have
created in the east and in the west, on the
lowland and on the Highland, and in the
valleys from the day You created this
world until the Day of Resurrection,
every day a thousand times.


In Arabic

Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
nabatil ardi fi qiblatiha wa jawfiha wa
sharqiha wa garbiha wa sahliha wa
bibaliha min shajarin wa samarin wa
awraqin wa zar‘in wa jimi ma akhrajta
wama yakhruju minha min nabatiha
barakatiha min yawmi khlaqtad dunya
ila yawmil qiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
anfasihim wa alfazihim wa alhazihim
min yawmi khlaqtad dunya ila yawmil
qiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
tayaranil jinni wa khafakanil insi min
yawmi khlaqtad dunya ila yawmil
qiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Wa ‘an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi
adada kulli bahimatin khalaqtaha ala
ardika sagiratan wa qabiratan fi
mashariqil ardi wa magaribiha mimma
ulima wa mimma la ya’lamu ilmihu illa
anta min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila
yawmil qiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi adada
man salla alayhi wa adada man lam
yusalli alayhi wa adada man yusalli
alayhi ila yawmil qiyamati fi kulli
yawmin alfa marratin. Wa an tusalliya
alayhi wa ala alihi adadal ahya‘i wal
amwati wa adada ma khalaqta min
hitanin wa tayrin wa namlin wa nahlin
wa hasharatin.


In English

And praise him and his family in every
tree, every fruit, every leaf and every
plant of the earth, in the south and in the
north, in the east and west, on the Plains
and in the hills, and in everything You
have produced from it and in everything
You will produce from it from the day
You created the world until the Day of
Resurrection, every day a thousand

And praise him and his family in every
one of their breaths, in every one of their
utterances, and in every one of their
glances, from the day You created this
world until the Day of Resurrection,
every day a thousand times. And praise
him and his family in every flight of a
jinn and in every human heartbeat from
the day You created this world until the
Day of Resurrection, every day a
thousand times. And praise him and his
family in every large and every small
creature created by You in the west and
in the east of Your earth, those which are
known and those which You alone have
knowledge, from the day You created
this world until the Day of Resurrection,
every day a thousand times.
And praise him and his family as many
times as those who have asked for
blessings upon him, and as many times
as those who have not, and as many
times as those who will ask until the Day
of Resurrection, every day a thousand
times. And praise him and his family in
every soul alive and dead, every insect,
every bird, every ant, every bee and in
every beast You have created.


In Arabic

Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi
fillayli iza yagsha wan nahari iza tajalla.
Wa an tusalliya alayhi wa ala alihi fil
akhirati wal ula. Wa an tusalliya alayhi
wa ala alihi munzukana fil mahdi
sabiyyan ila an sara kahlan mahdiyyan
faqabadtahu ilayka adlan marziyyan
litab‘asahu Shafi‘an. Wa an tusalliya
alayhi wa ala alihi adada khalqika wa
riza’a nafsika wa zinata arshika wa
midada kalimatika.
Wa an tu’tiyahul wasilata wal fazilata
wad darajatar rafi‘ata wal hawzal
mawruda wal maqamal mahmuda wal
izzal mamduda. Wa an tu‘azzima
burhanahu. Wa an tusharrifa bunyanahu.
Wa an tarfa‘a makanahu. Wa an
tasta’milna ya maulana bisunnatihi. Wa
an tumitana ala millatihi. Wa an
tahshurana fi zumratihi wa tahti liwa‘ihi.
Wa an taj‘alna min rufaqa‘ihi. Wa an
turidana hawzahu.
Wa an tasqiyana bika’sihi. Wa an
tanfa’ana bi mahabbatihi. Wa an tatuba
alayna. Wa an tu‘afi yana min jami‘il
bala‘i wal balwa‘i wal fitani ma zahara
minha wama batana. Wa an tarhamana
wa an ta’fuwa anna wa tagfirlana wa
lijami‘il mu’minina wal muminati wal
muslimina wal muslimatil ahya‘i
minhum wal amwati. Wal hamdu lillahi
rabbil alamina. Wa huwa hasbi wa nimal
wakilu. Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illha
billahil aliyyil azimi.


In English

And praise him and his family in every
darkening night and in every brightening
day. And praise him and his family in
the end and in the beginning. And praise
him and his family from the time he was
in the cradle until his time of maturity
when You took him to Yourself, justly
satisfied and until You finally send him
as a welcome intercessor. And praise
him and his family in all of Your
creation, to the fullness of Your
Pleasure, in the decoration of Your
Throne, in the ink of Your Words.
And grant him the nearest station, the
pre-eminence, the exalted rank, the often visited
pool, the most praised station,
and the greatest standing. Enhance his
proof, ennoble his stature, raise his
station, and let us, O Lord, follow his
way and let us die following his religion.
And resurrect us in his company,
beneath his flag, place us in his
assembly, water us at his pool.
Let us drink from his drinking bowl,
grant us his love, accept our repentance,
remove from us all trials and
tribulations, inner and outer discord, and
have mercy on us, pardon us and forgive
us along with all the believing men and
women and submissive men and women
(Muslims), the living and the dead, and
praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
and He suffices me and He is the best of
Protectors and there is no help or power
except in Allah, the High, the Mighty.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin ma saja‘atil
hama‘imi wa hamatil hawa‘imu wa
sarahatil baha‘imu wa nafa’atit tama‘imu
wa shuddatil ama‘imu wa namatin
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin ma ablajal isbahu
wahabbatir riya’u wa dabbatil ashbahu
wa ta‘aqabal guduwwu warrawahu wa
tuqullidatis sifahu wa’tuqilatir rimahu
sahhatil asjadu wal arwahu.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin ma daratil aflaku
wa dajjatil ahlaku wa sabbahatil amlaku.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ala
Ibrahima. Wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima fil alamina innaka hamidun
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin ma tala‘atish
shamsu wama sulliyatil khamsu wama
ta’allaqa barqun. Wa tadaffaqa wadqun
wama sabbaha ra’dun.


In English

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in the cooing of
doves, in the circling of beasts around
waterholes, in the grazing of cattle, as
the wearable amulets benefits, in the
winding of turbans and in the sleep of
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in the breaking
dawns, in the blowing winds, in the
creeping shades, in the succeeding
mornings and evenings, in the girding of
armor, in the impounding of lances, and
in the healing of bodies and souls.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in the rotation of
the celestial bodies, in the
overshadowing of darkness and in the
glorifying of angels.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham, and sanctify
Muhammad just as You sanctified
Abraham in all the worlds, for You are
indeed the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in the rising sun,
in the establishment of the five daily
prayers, in lightning which strikes in the
falling rain and in the pealing of the


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin mil‘as samawati
wal ardi. Wa mil‘a ma baynahuma wa
mil‘a mashi’ta min shay‘in ba’du.
Allahumma kama qama bi a’ba‘ir
risalati. Wastanqazal khalqa minal
jahalati. Wa jahada ahlukufri
waddalalati. Wa da‘a ila tawhidik wa
qasash shada‘ida fi irshadi abidika.
Fa‘atihillahumma su’lahu. Wa balligu
ma’mulahu wa atihil wasilata wal
fazilata waddarajatar rafi‘ata. Wab’ashul
maqamal mahmudallazi wa‘adtahu
innaka la tukh liful miada.
Allahumma waj‘alna minal muttabi’ina
lishari’atihil nuttasifina bi mahabbatihil
muhtadina bi hadyihi wa siratihi. Wa
tawaffana ala sunnatihi. Wala tahrimna
fadla shafa‘atihi. Wahshurna fi atba‘ihil
gurril muhajjalina. Wa ashya‘ihis
sabiqina. Wa ashabil yamini. Ya
arhamar rahimina. Allahumma salli ala
mala‘ikatika wal mukarrabina. Wa ala
anbiya‘ika wal mursalina. Wa ala ahli
ta‘atika ajma’ina waj‘alna bissalati
alayhim minal marhumina.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin’il
mab‘usi min tihamata wal amiri bil
ma’rufi wal istiqamati wash shafi‘i li
ahliz zunubi fi arasatil qiyamati.
Allahumma ablig anna nabiyyana wa
shafi‘ana wa habibana afdalas salati
wattaslimi wab’ashul maqamal
mahmudal karima wa atihil fazilata wal
wasilata waddarajatar rafia‘tallati wa
adtahu fil mawqifi azimi.


In English

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad to the fullness of
the heavens and the earth, and to the
fullness of whatever is between them
and to the fullness of whatever You have
created elsewhere. O Allah, as he bore
the responsibility of the Message,
delivered creation from ignorance,
struggled against the people of disbelief
and error, called to Your Oneness,
endured hardships in guiding Your
worshippers. Then grant him, O Allah,
his wishes, fulfill his hopes, and give
him the nearest station, the preeminence,
the exalted rank, and raise
him to the most praised station which
You promised him, for You never
renege on a promise.
O Allah, make us the followers of his
law, and those known for their love of
him, and those guided by his guidance
and life, and let us die following his
way, and do not deny us the favor of his
intercession, and resurrect us among his
followers, those shining with light, his
foremost companions, the companions
of the right hand, O Most Merciful of the
Merciful. O Allah praise Your angels,
Your archangels, Your prophets and
Your messengers, and Your obedient
people, and may our asking for such
blessings be a mercy for us.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the envoy
from Tihama, the commander and
upholder of justice, the intercessor for
the sinful on the courtyards of the Day of
Resurrection. O Allah, send to our
Prophet, our advocate and our beloved,
on our behalf, the finest blessings and
peace, and raise him to the most praised
and noble station, and grant him the preeminence,
the nearest station and the
exalted rank which You have promised
him on the Great Day of Standing.


In Arabic

Wa sallillahumma alayhi salatan
damiatan muttasilatan tatawala wa
tadumu. Allahumma salli alayhi wa ala
alihi malaha bariqun wa zarra shariqun
wa waqaba gasiqun w’anhamara
wadiqun. Wa salli alayhi wa ala alihi
mil‘al lawhi wal faza‘i wa misla nujumis
sama‘i wa adadal katri wal hasa. Wa
salli alayhi wa ala alihi salatan la
tu‘addu wa la tuhsa.
Allahumma salli alayhi zinata arshika
wa mablagariza’ika wa midada
kalimatika wa muntaha rahmatika.
Allahumma salli alayhi wa ala alihi wa
azwajihi wa zurriyyatihi. Wa barik
alayhi wa ala alihi wa azwajihi wa
zurriyyatihi kama sallayta wa barakta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima innaka
hamidun majidun wa jazihi anna afdala
ma jazayta nabiyyan an ummatihi
waj‘alna minal muhtadina bimin-haji
shari‘atihi wahdina bihadyihi wa
tawaffana ala millatihi wahshurna
yawmal faza‘il akbari minal aminina fi
zumratihi wa amitna ala hubbihi wa
hubbi alihi wa ashabihi wa zurriyatihi.


In English

And bless him, O Allah, with blessings
eternal, continual, continuous and
everlasting. O Allah, bless him and his
family in the lightening which strikes, in
the day which dawns, in the night which
obscures and in the rain which pours.
And bless him and his family to the
fullness of the Table and the cosmos and
in every star and sky and in every
raindrop and in every stone, and bless
him and his family with blessings
innumerable and incalculable.
O Allah, bless him in the decoration of
Your Throne, to the full extent of Your
Pleasure, in the ink of Your words and to
the bounds of Your Mercy. O Allah,
praise him and his family, his wives and
descendants, and sanctify him and his
family, his wives and descendants just as
You blessed and sanctified Abraham and
the family of Abraham, for You are
indeed the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
And reward him, on our behalf, better
than You have rewarded any prophet on
behalf of his nation, and place us among
those guided by the way of his law,
guide us through his guidance, let us die
following his religion, and resurrect us
on the Day of the Greatest Terror among
the faithful in his company and let us die
loving him and loving his family, his
companions and his descendants.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin afdali
anbiya‘ika. Wa Akrami asfiya‘ika. Wa
imami awliya‘ika. Wa khatimi
anbiya‘ika. Wa habibi rabbil alamina.
Wa shahidil mursalina. Wa shafi'il
muznibina. Wa sayyidi waladi Adama
ajma'ina al marfu'iz zikri fil mala'ikatil
mukarrabinal bashhirin-naziris sirajil
munirissadikinaminil hakkil mubinir
ra'ufir rahimil hadi ila siratil
mustaqimillazi ataytatu sab'an minal
masani wal quranil azima nabiyyir
rahmati. Wa hadil ummati awwalu man
tanshakku anhul ardu wa yadkhulul
jannatal mu'ayyadi bijibrila wa mika'ilal
mubashari bihi fittawrati wal injilal
mustafali mujtabal muntakhabi abil
qasimi Muhammadibni Abdillahibni
Abdil Muttalibni Hashimin.
Allahumma salli ala mala‘ikatika wal
mukarrabin allazina yusabbihunal layla
wan nahara la yafturuna. Wala
ya’sunallaha ma amarahum wa yaf‘aluna
ma yu’maruna.


In English

O Allah. Bless Muhammad, the finest of
Your prophets, the noblest of Your
friends, the leader of Your Saints, the
seal of Your prophets, the beloved of the
Lord of the Worlds, the witness for the
Messengers, the advocate of sinners, the
master of all the children of Adam. He
who was mentioned highly among the
highest angels, the news-bringer, the
warner, the shining lamp, the truthful,
the trustworthy, the clear truth, the
compassionate and merciful, the guide to
the Straight Path and to whom You
granted the seven oft-mentioned verses
and the Mighty Koran, the prophet of
mercy, the guide of the nation, the first
upon whom the earth breathed and the
first to enter the Garden, the one
supported by our master Gabriel and our
master Michael, the one announced in
the Torah and in the Gospel, the chosen,
the elect, the selected, father of Qasim,
Muhammad, son of Abdullah, son of
Abdul Muttalib, son of Hashim.
O Allah, praise Your Highest angels
who glorify You without ceasing, night
and day, and who never disobey You in
Your orders and who carry out what they
have been ordered to do.


In Arabic

Allahumma wa kamastafaytahum
sufara‘a ila rusulika wa umana‘a ala
wahyika wa shuhada‘a ala khalqika wa
kharaqta lahum kunufa hujubika. Wa
atla’tahum ala maknuni gaybika.
Wakhtarta minhum khazanatan li
jannatika. Wa hamalatan liarshika wa
ja‘altahum min aksara junudika. Wa
faddaltahum alal wara wa askantahumus
samawatilula wa nazzahtahum
anilma‘asi waddana‘ati wa qaddastahum
anin naqa’isi wal afati. Fasalli alayhim
salatan da‘imatan taziduhum biha fadlan.
Wa taj‘aluna listigfarihim biha ahlan.
Allahumma wa salli ala jami‘i
anbiya‘ika wa rusulikallazina. Sharahta
sudurahum wa awda’tahum hikmataka.
Wa tawwaqtahum nubuwwataka. Wa
anzalta alayhim kutuBooka. Wa hadayta
bihim khalqaka. Wa da‘aw ila tawhidika
wa shawwaqu ila wa’dika wa khawwafi
min wa‘idika. Wa arshadu ila sabilika.
Wa qamu bi hujjatika wa dalilika. Wa
sallimillahumma alayhim tasliman.
Wahab lana bissalati alayhim ajran
aziman. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
salatan da‘imatan maqbulatan tu’addi
biha anna hakkahul azima.


In English

O Allah, just as You have chosen them
to be the envoys to Your messengers,
guardians of Your Revelations and
witnesses over Your creation, and have
allowed them to pass through the folds
of Your veils, and have given access to
Your hidden, unseen realms and have
chosen them to be the guardians of Your
garden and the bearers of Your Throne,
and have made them the most numerous
of Your soldiers, and have favored them
over mortal men, and have populated the
High heavens with them, and freed them
from disobedience and baseness, and
sanctified them from shortcomings and
misfortunes, so praise them eternally and
may this request serve as a means of
increasing their favor, and a means of
their asking forgiveness for us.
O Allah, praise all of Your prophets and
messengers whose hearts You have
opened, to whom You have entrusted
Your Wisdom, to whom You have
empowered with Your prophet hood, and
to whom You revealed Your Books, by
whom Your creation has been guided,
who have called to Your Oneness, who
have looked forward to Your promise
and feared Your threat, who have guided
to Your path, who have upheld Your
proof and evidence, and grant them
abundant peace. O Allah through this
request for them bestow upon us a
Mighty reward. O Allah, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad with acceptable eternal
blessings, that discharge us of his
overwhelming rights upon us.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
sahibil husni wal jamali wal bahjati wal
kamali wal baha‘i wan nuri wal wildani
wal huri wal gurafa wal qusuri wa
lisanish shakuri wal qalbil mashquri
walilmil mashhuri wal jayshil mansuri
wal banina wal banati wal azwajit
tahirati wal uluwwi aladdarajati
wazzamzami walmaqami walmash‘aril
harami wajtinabilasami watar biyatil
aytami wal hajji wa tilawatil qur’ani wa
tasbihir rahmani:
Wasiyami ramazana wal liwa‘il-maqudi
wal karami. Wal judi wal wafa‘i bil
uhudi. Sahibil ragbati wattargibi. Wal
baglatiwan najibi. Wal hawzi wal
qadibin nabiyyil awwabin natiqi
bissawabil manuti fil kitabin nabiyyi
abdillahin nabiyyi kanzillahih nabiyyi
hujjatillahin nabiyyi man ata‘ahu faqad
ata‘allaha wa man asahu faqad asallahan
nabiyyil arabiyyil qurashiyyiz
zamzamiyyil makkiyyit tihamiyyi.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
possessor of beauty and handsomeness,
of splendor and perfection, of radiance
and light, of youthful servants and
houris, of chambers and palaces, of a
grateful tongue and a praiseworthy heart,
of renowned knowledge and victorious
army, of sons and daughters, of pure
wives, of the Highest of ranks, of the
spring of Zamzam, of the Maqam
(station of) Ibrahim, of the Holy
Sanctuary, of infallibility, of an orphan’s
upbringing, of the pilgrimage, of the
Koranic recitation, of the glorification of
the Most Merciful,
Of the fast of Ramadan, of the flag, of
nobility and generosity. The fulfiller of
promises, the possessor of longing for
Allah, the one who kindled such longing
in others, the owner of the mule (his
mount), of noble birth, of the pool, of the
scepter, the prophet of return, the
speaker with reward, the one mentioned
in the Book, the prophet and worshipper
of Allah, the prophet and treasure of
Allah, the prophet and proof of Allah,
the prophet of obedience to whom is the
same as obedience to Allah, and to
whom disobedience is the same as
disobedience to Allah, the prophet of
Arabia, the Korayshi prophet, the
Zamzami prophet, the Meccan prophet,
the Tihami prophet


In Arabic

Sahibil wajhil jamili, wattarfil kahili,
wal khaddil asili, wal Kawsari was
salsabili, qahiril mudaddina, mubidil
kafirina, wa qatilil mushrikina. Qa‘idil
gurril muhajjalina ila jannatina’imi wa
jiwarilkarimi. Sahibi Jibrila alayhi
salamu wa Rasuli rabbil alamina wa
shafi‘il muznibina wa gayatilgamami wa
misbahizzalami wa qamarittamami.
Sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihil
Mustafayna min athari jibillatin. Salatan
da‘imatan alal abadi gayra
mudmahillatin. Sallallahu alayhi wa ala
alihi salatan yatajaddadu biha huburuhu
wa yu’arrafu biha fil mi‘adi ba’suhu wa
nushuruhu fasallallahu alayhi wa ala
alihil anjumit tawali‘i. Salatan tajudu
alayhim ajbadal guyusil hawami‘i
arsalahu min arjahil arabi mizanan wa
awdahiha bayanan wa afsahiha lisanan
wa ashmakhiha imhanan wa a’laba
maqaman wa ahlaha kalaman wa awfaha
zimaman wa asfaha ragaman fa awdahat
tarikata wa nasahal khaliqata wa
shaharal Islama wa kassaral asnama wa
azharal ahkama wa hazaral harama wa
amma bil in‘ami. Sallallahu alayhi wa
ala alihi fi kulli mahfilin wa maqamin
afdalas salati wassalami.


In English

The possessor of the most handsome
face, the naturally mascara eyebrows,
the noble cheeks, and springs of
Kawthar (Prophetic pool/lake in
Paradise) and Salsabil, the conqueror of
the Arabic speaking peoples, the
destroyer of the unbelievers, the slayer
of the polytheists, the guide to the
Divine Garden and vicinity of the
Merciful for those with shining faces and
shining limbs, the companion of our
master Gabriel peace be upon him, the
messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the
advocate for sinners even though their
sins reach the limits of the clouds. The
lamp of the darkness and the full moon
May the peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him and upon his most pure chosen
family, blessings that are both eternal
and everlasting, never diminishing.
Blessings by means of which his
happiness is renewed, his sending and
his resurrection on the Promised Day are
honored. Bless him and his family, the
rising stars, with blessings more
generous than the abundance of pouring
rain. Send them to the one, who of all
Arabs, is more just, more eloquent,
greater in faith. Higher in station, more
articulate in speech, more cautious of the
rights of others and purer in his aversion
for others (his enemies). For he
enlightened the Path and advised
creation, made Islam known and
destroyed the idols, made justice appear
and forbade the prohibited, and spread
favors to the whole world, may the best
blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family at every gathering and every
place. May Allah praise and give peace
to him over and over again.



Sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi awdan wa
bad‘an salatan taqunu zakiratan wa
wirdan. Sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi
salatan tammatan zakiyatan. Wa
sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi salatan
yatba‘uha rawhun wa rayhanun wa
ya’qubuha magfiratun wa ridwanun.
Wa sallallahu ala man taba minhun
nujjaru. Wa sama bihil fakharu
wastanarat bi nuri jabinihil aqmaru wa
tada‘alat inda judi yaminihil gama‘imu
wal biharu. Sayyidina wa nabiyyina
Muhammadin nillazi bibahiri ayatihi
ada‘atil anjadu wal agwaru. Wa
bimujizati ayatihi nataqal kitabu. Wa
tawataratil akhbaru. Sallallahu alayhi wa
ala alihi wa ashabihillazina hajaru
linusratihi wa nasaruhu fi hijratihi
fani’mal muhajiruna wa ni’mal ansaru.
Salatan namiyatan da‘imatan ma saja‘at
fi aykihal atyaru wa hama‘at biwablihad
dimatul midraru.
Za‘afallahu alayhi da‘ima salawatihi.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala alihit tayyibinal
kirami salatan mawsulatan da‘imatal
ittisali bidawami zil jilali wal ikrami.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadinnillazi
huwa qutbul jalalati wash shamsun
nubuwwati warrisalati wal hadi
minaddalalati wal munqizu minal
jahalati. Sallallahu alayhi wassallama
salatan da‘imatal ittisali wattawali
muta‘aqibatan bita‘abil ayyami


In English

Blessings which are a source of treasure,
may the blessings of Allah be upon him
and his family, complete and pure
blessings, and the blessings Allah be
upon him and his family, blessings
ensured by fragrances and perfumes,
followed by forgiveness and satisfaction.
And the blessings of Allah be upon the
one through whom the lineage (of
mankind) was most permeated with
goodness and because of whom (the
remembrance of) Glory was exalted, and
through the light of whose cheeks the
moon was illuminated, and the
generosity of his right hand illuminated
the clouds and seas, our master and
Prophet Muhammad, who by the
splendor of his signs illuminated the
Highlands and the lowlands, and by the
miracles of his signs the Book was
enunciated and the good news
transmitted. The blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family, and his
companions who emigrated to help him
and helped him to emigrate, and blessed
be the Emigrants and blessed be the
Helpers, blessings which grow and are
eternal for as long as birds chirp in the
forests, rain streams down in abundance,
And multiply the eternal blessings upon
him. O Allah, praise Muhammad, and
his good and noble family with blessings
that are perpetual and eternally bound
with the duration of the Owner of
Majesty and Nobility. O Allah, praise
Muhammad who is the Pillar of majesty,
the sun of prophet hood and the message.
The guide from error and the critic of
ignorance, the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him, eternal blessings bound with,
and continuously repeating in accordance
with, the alternation of days and nights.
(Sunday ends here)



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